Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I Had No Idea

One of my students wrote this lovely email to me after reading my admissions essay to Franklin University...

Congratulations and good luck, Professor!

This must have been quite a decision for you and your family to make at this point in your lives.

An instructor I’ve taken twice now always says that she learns from us every day and mentions how learning should never stop, something you’ve also said.  I agree wholeheartedly and view myself as a student of Life, hoping to absorb as much as I can, while I can.

You are not simply an inspiration as a professional, but personally, as well.  I heard you on the first day of class tell of yours and your wife’s journey, and then use it as an example as to why we should always be present.  I have since watched you arrive to every single class and lecture accordingly, despite what else may be going on in your life, and yet, openly sharing it.

While I am not dealing with a terminal illness in my immediate family, the strength necessary to take on every day translates very easily to me, as I am a single mother of an eight year-old boy, working 3 jobs while maintaining a 3.5 GPA in school, where I am a Phi Theta Kappa member.  I am the only person in my family to have gone to college, and I am the only good example my son has in his life.

Having known people like you is a reminder as to why I am so driven, and an encouragement to maintain that drive.  Right now it is my son I am inspiring, but, one day, I may be in your shoes and reach many more.

I will never forget the strength you show daily.  I am so glad to have had the opportunity to learn from you.  Thank you.

Again, good luck in pursuing where life takes you.  I know you will be successful.

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